The Real Pine Ridge
Since WILD LOVE debuted, tons of people have asked if Pine Ridge is a real place. I like to think it feels so real on the page because I absolutely based this fictional gem of a town on a real location in the Adirondacks - it’s a mix of Old Forge and Inlet, two towns I have spent tons of time in over the years and fallen deeply, deeply in love with. Like, stay-up-late-at-night-dreaming-about in love with. Sorry, husband.
Screamen Eagle in Inlet, NY served as the inspiration for Utz’s, the bar Sydney ends up at on her first night in town. Screamen Eagle has the most impressive beer menu in the area, directly influencing my vision for the type of place where Sydney would feel right at home.
Seventh Lake near Inlet, NY - the inspiration for every lake scene I write!
Seventh Lake in the Fulton Chain near Inlet, NY inspired the setting for Sam’s house. When he wakes up early in the morning and looks out over the mist-covered lake, this is what he sees.
What tour of Pine Ridge would be complete without a stop at the bakery? Mary’s White Pine Bakery has the absolute best donuts in the area - maybe even the state? the country? It’s a bold claim but trust me, it’s accurate. When Sydney stops in on her first morning in town and meets Jorie, Jorie tells her chocolate frosted is their most popular flavor of donut. You can probably guess which one I always get when I’m in town :)
Old Forge Hardware in Old Forge, NY - the inspiration for the Sam’s favorite hardware store
Old Forge Hardware is one of my favorite places on earth. If you can’t find it there, it doesn’t exist, from my favorite candles to cast iron skillets to fishing lure to dog toys and BOOKS GALORE! Their bookstore is fantastic, so I can’t say it inspired the fledgling Loving Page, but I do hope WILD LOVE ended up on their shelves.
If you’ve ever visited the area, I hope WILD LOVE took you right back! Thank you to the towns of Inlet and Old Forge for inspiring the entire FOREVER ADIRONDACKS series. I hope to make a trip up very soon to meet local readers in person.